A Prayer for ‘People in the Dump’

I am certain the child must have heard a parent or other significant adult say something about being “down in the dumps,” a phrase we use when things aren’t going well for us.

‘Together with all creatures’

I would like to thank Dr. Arand for his wonderful article “Together with All Creatures” in the April issue of The Lutheran Witness. One of my favorite hymns from my childhood in England is “All Things Bright and Beautiful” by Cecil Alexander. I thought of the hymn as I read the article: All things bright

Honoring My Mother

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My elderly mother has been living with us for 2½ years. During that time she has needed more and more care. I’ve learned to help her with “routine” tasks such as dressing, toileting, etc. I love her, but I am getting worn out in the process, and I’m afraid I’m

The answer is no

This letter is a response to “Party Time?” in the Family Counselor section of the April Lutheran Witness. The answer to the son should have been an emphatic NO in large print. Just to be sure I was rational in my thinking, I called the local police department and also the local Alcohol Information Center

Shedding Some Light

One Time Too Many Inscription on the monument of an Army mule: “In memory of Kate, who in her time kicked a colonel, three majors, eight captains, 12 lieutenants, 21 sergeants, and 230 others, and one bomb.” Tal. D. Bonham Treasury of Clean Church Jokes   Be Prepared Just before a long holiday weekend, a

Something overlooked

Thank you for your April focus on the colleges and universities of the Concordia University System, “What’s New at Our Concordias?” However, some of the programs offered at Concordia University Texas were not mentioned. This academic year, Concordia University Texas began offering pre-nursing courses with acceptance of junior-level students to the professional nursing courses of

Pastors Are People, Too

by Gary J. Ellul When you picture a pastor, what do you see? My oldest daughter recently told me how surprised some of her friends were when they met me for the first time. My daughter had told her friends I was a Lutheran pastor, but somehow my size and build didn’t fit their idea

Fixed on Eternity

Because she was too tired to hold him, I held him as the water was poured over his head and he was baptized “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

The Beauty of Lutheran Hymns

Thank you for the especially fine March issue of The Lutheran Witness, with its emphasis on liturgical music and hymnody. I am personally well acquainted with the excellent Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival program for high-school students. I would also like to emphasize the fact that these young musicians have real fun and enjoyment

Gratitude for Our Pastors

In addition to preaching and teaching matters of faith and life on the basis of God’s Holy Word, pastors are called to be a part of the lives of people in good times and bad, in happy times and sad.

Big-picture Questions

In response to President Kieschnick’s March article regarding the Missouri Synod’s position on “Right to Life,” I would like to share some of the discussion from a recent Sunday morning Bible class. The question was posed: If the California mother of 14 children were a member of our church family, how would we respond? Initial

Making music

I can’t remember an issue of The Lutheran Witness I’ve enjoyed as much as your March 2009 offering. I grew up in the WELS and joined the LCMS as a young adult. I’ve been active in church music in some form for my entire ministry. I’m in the music ministry today because my fifth-grade teacher

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