Two Kinds of Authority
The Bible says to obey political authority, but what happens when the government commands evil?
The Bible says to obey political authority, but what happens when the government commands evil?
by James R. Gimbel Grandma Timm died April 13, 1987. It was a shock, but then death somehow always is. Yet, in another way, it came as no surprise, for she had suffered for a long time, and there had been many close calls before. Her frail body had gone through a lot. I shall
The cost can be heavy for those who have a conscience. As confessing Lutherans, are we willing to bear that cost?
by Rev. Donald Jordan “Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” With that joyous acclamation to one another and to the world, one would think that Easter and the resurrection of Christ from the dead would not only be a joyous day but an exuberant time as well. In reality, however, Easter seems to
In light of the recent HHS mandate, it’s easy to lose focus of the real issue: a violation of religious liberties.
Although the weather outside may change from week to week and season to season, there are always showers of blessing in worship for the people of God. by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar Eight for the April rainers counts out a line in the old English folk song Green Grow the Rushes, O. Interestingly, the April
Can Christians make society a better place? When should the church speak out in the public square? Read a few tips on how to get involved.
by Samuel Schuldheisz The correct ordering of the relationship between the church and the state is one of those great problems which throughout the history of the church must always be solved anew.” –Hermann Sasse This brief Bible study is designed to provide a firm biblical and confessional setting for Lutherans to learn and study
God has instituted both church and state. How have they affected the history of the LCMS?
by Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt A recent study by the National Center of Health Statistics shows that the number of unmarried, cohabiting couples having children has quadrupled since the 1970s. Should this surprise the Christian? Absolutely not. Why? Sin. Sin destroys everything and everyone that it touches, including marriage and the family. However, our Lord loves
Society tells us that we have to work for what we want in life. Christ tells us that it is all ours, freely, on account of Him. by Rev. Barry Long “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33). When I was
by Naomi Stephens Every paper I wrote as an undergraduate was finished sometime between the magic hours of 3:00 and 6:00 a.m. Wilted in the back corner of a Starbucks, Id bash my head frantically on the keyboard, waiting for my creative juices just to get with the program. Then, wired on yet more caffeine,