Prayer of Thanksgiving

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. by Rev. Joshua Hayes The Scriptures model for us a certain kind of prayer called a Prayer of Thanksgiving. Myriad examples can be found throughout God’s Word (Luke 10:21; John 11:4142; Eph. 1:314; Phil. 4:46). A Prayer of

10 Minutes with . . . Ann Stillman (Web-exclusive story)

by Jeni Miller Lutherans make quite a fuss about Law and Gospel.  And for good reason, since distinguishing Law and Gospel is the crux of how we read Scripture and relate to one another as Christians. Attorney Ann Stillman may be well-versed in law, but she still packs plenty of Gospel punch in her everyday

Two Kinds of Authority

The Bible says to obey political authority, but what happens when the government commands evil?

Safe Passage

by James R. Gimbel Grandma Timm died April 13, 1987. It was a shock, but then death somehow always is. Yet, in another way, it came as no surprise, for she had suffered for a long time, and there had been many close calls before. Her frail body had gone through a lot. I shall

The Cost of Conscience

The cost can be heavy for those who have a conscience. As confessing Lutherans, are we willing to bear that cost?

The Phoniness of Easter (Web-exclusive story)

by Rev. Donald Jordan “Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” With that joyous acclamation to one another and to the world, one would think that Easter and the resurrection of Christ from the dead would not only be a joyous day but an exuberant time as well. In reality, however, Easter seems to

Living Through History

In light of the recent HHS mandate, it’s easy to lose focus of the real issue: a violation of religious liberties.

Lenten Windows

by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar While many of the seasons of the Church Year have names that relate to the religious nature of the time being observed, the season of Lent does not. The word Lent comes from the Old English word lengthen, which referred to the spring of the year, the time in which

Shedding Some Light

This Ad’s All WetMy wife, Louise, and I were sitting in our living room. She was watching TV, and I was paying little attention to anything when she suddenly said, “Would you like a water mattress?” I asked, “Why would you ask such a silly question as that?” She replied, “Well, that furniture company just

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