A Kingdom Not of This World: The Church Is Both Hidden and Manifest
We know where the kingdom of God is on this earth: where the Word of God is preached and Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are administered.
We know where the kingdom of God is on this earth: where the Word of God is preached and Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are administered.
The Christian home should be a kingdom of the Law and the Gospel.
I tell you, in the strong name of Jesus, your sins are forgiven.
“Who do you say that I am?” When confronted by the Word of God, a confession is required.
We subscribe to the Confessions because they are a faithful exposition of God’s Word, not just insofar as they contain the Word of God.
Sound, pure, biblical doctrine is always aimed at the repentance and forgiveness and strengthening of poor sinners like you and me.
The fact that the LCMS is still here confessing the inerrant Scriptures is due in large part to our Lord’s mercy in preserving our schools.
From the time of Paul in Acts, we see the church caring for the needs of its people.
The beneficial, surprising art of keeping a prayer list — whether on an ancient wax tablet or on sticky notes.
To the extent that our preaching today is devoid of the resurrection, it too is in vain.
Hermann Sasse explains why faith and hope belong together: Both are bound to history.
This document endures as a confessional testimony against historical criticism of the Bible.