Matthew Harrison

How Shall We Regard the Bible?

The best place for us to get hold of what the Bible is and how to understand it is found in Jesus Himself. How does Jesus regard the Bible?

Why Read the Bible?

What’s the benefit of reading and knowing the Bible? So that the Word of God achieves its purpose in your life too.

2015 State of the Synod

God help us. He does, and He will. End times? Yes, indeed. “God is faithful,” as the apostle says (1 Cor. 1:9). And this faith in Christ is “a living, busy, active, mighty thing.”

Does the Lutheran Reformation Have a Future?

The real story of the Reformation is about the march of the Church of Jesus Christ in the face of impossible odds — thirsting for Christ and His means of grace, trusting in the Bible as God’s inerrant Word, struggling in the North but growing tremendously in the South.

Where Is Your God?

The secret to living a good news life in a bad news world is marveling with joy at the vast ordered complexity of all creation and recognizing by faith the God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who created it all for our blessed surprise, enjoyment, and faith.

The Joy of Church

The Church endures because Christ endures, and he will never let his Gospel go un-believed, until the end of time.

To Rome with Love

The verse that lit the Roman world and sparked the Lutheran Reformation is true still today: “The Gospel . . . is the power of God for salvation” (Rom. 1:17).

How does Jesus view the Bible?

It’s very safe and chic these days to say, “I’m agnostic” or “I believe all religions have truth” or to be otherwise uncommitted. Most of the time, these are a safe mask for ignorance of what these religions actually teach and certainly of the actual content of the Bible. If we don’t recognize who Jesus is (and His identity is given us in Holy Scripture in stark clarity), if we are not continually in His Word, the world will have its way with us in all matters, not just our generation’s particular traps (like sexuality). “Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word.”

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