
A Pure Virgin to Christ

Neither marriage nor celibacy but the blood of the Son of God is the one and only propitiation and perfect satisfaction for our sins.

Money and the People of God

Unless you have been ignoring the news, you have probably noticed word “inflation” entering the day-to-day lexicon of everyday Americans.

Call for Ascension Day Sermons

As part of this issue, we are asking the pastors of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) to submit Ascension Day sermons

The Star Proclaims

The weighty hymn “The Star Proclaims the King Is Here” (LSB 399) is an ancient hymn excerpted from the same poem as our Christmas hymn …

Epiphany: the ‘Other’ Christmas

Epiphany is Christmas 2.0. Its conspicuous place following the nativity narrative in Matthew’s Gospel presents it as the “other Christmas,” the “Christmas of the Gentiles.” At the first Christmas we find a swaddled baby in a manger visited by shepherds from the fields summoned by angels. In the “other Christmas,” we find a toddler at

O Holy Nights

The saints go marching all year long. Maybe your family’s Christmas season is colored by some happy birthdays or sad memories.

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