
Being Prepared, Lending a Hand

by Kim Plummer Krull The Haiti earthquake makes us think about how we can help suffering survivors and also about how we can prepare if a disaster hits close to home. Disaster preparation: LCMS World Relief and Human Care offers two disaster preparedness resources for families and congregations: Preparing to Meet the Challenge, a free,

When ‘Wanting to Do the Right Thing’ Might Get You in Trouble

Haiti, Volunteerism, and a Desire to Help Commentary by Albert B. Collver III and Daniel Mattson The earthquake in Haiti has shaken the entire world and refocused attention on the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, if not the world. People from around the globe have poured out help to this island nation. In particular,

Which Map?

by Dr. Robert D. Newton Is it possible to be faithful in following Christ “into all the world” and still get lost? Ask seasoned missionaries, and if they’re honest, they will undoubtedly say, “Yes!” Priscilla and Bob Newton at home in the Philippines in the late 1970s I doubt that anyone would want to question

Ministry in the Margins

by Anthony A. Cook The View from Here Editor’s Note: With this online column, we offer occasional essays on topics that appear in The Lutheran Witness or that have broad interest among our readers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every social group has a story–a narrative that gives the group meaning, defines values, articulates goals, identifies enemies, and records

The Earthquake in Haiti: Again, the ‘Why’ Question

by Rev. John T. Pless As I write these lines, the world reels with the news of a devastating earthquake in Haiti that has left a death toll numbering in the thousands. In this impoverished nation, the magnitude of suffering cannot be measured. Closer to home, senseless workplace murders, seemingly random violence, and cases of

Operation Enduring Comfort

How a New York congregation helps ‘keep the home fires burning’ and serves as an example of the work of Operation Barnabas.

District Convention Summary Reports

Between January and July, our 35 LCMS Districts met in convention. Click on the links below for access to the Reporter Online summaries of each convention. Atlantic District New Jersey District California, Nevada, Hawaii District North Dakota District Central Illinois District North Wisconsin District Eastern District Northern Illinois District English District Northwest District Florida-Georgia District

Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance

The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance is preparing the final report of its work. The report will be presented to the Office of the President Oct. 15. For more information on the work of the task force, click on the link below. Task Force Web Page:

Back to School: 25 Ways Toward an Interwoven Ministry

by Diane Strzelecki As part of a presentation last March to the National Lutheran Administrators Conference, Rev. Ron Weidler, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Batavia, Ill., listed a series of steps that enhance the ministry efforts of a congregation. Weidler and Immanuel principal Glenn Steinbrenner, along with leaders from the two additional schools that were

In Detroit: Partners in the Field

by Roland Lovstad Ministry among immigrants in neighborhoods such as Detroit’s Mexicantown depends on willing and committed volunteers as well as church workers. As he reviews Iglesia Luterana Pan de Vida en Belén, Rev. Gregory Lorenz remarks, “Our ministry exists only because we have partners and that includes congregations and individuals.” The congregation and LATINO

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