Book Review: ‘Are We All Cyborgs Now? Reclaiming Our Humanity from the Machine’
This new book, co-authored by an LCMS student of theology, offers a solution to our digital technology predicament: life together in the church.
This new book, co-authored by an LCMS student of theology, offers a solution to our digital technology predicament: life together in the church.
Witchcraft and paganism have become some of the fastest-growing spiritual trends in Western culture today.
Christians will find many historic customs associated with this penitential season of Lent.
In a world increasingly antagonistic toward the Gospel and the Christian church, how do we live?
This issue discusses how we can live faithfully in a culture increasingly hostile toward the Christian faith.
Today, basic Christian tenets are seen as threats to society. How shall we live in this “negative world”?
Is bivocational ministry on your horizon? Does it seem scary? Can it be good?
The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord falls on Feb. 2.
In truth, the size of the congregation is no indication of God’s favor or disfavor.
The February issue of The Lutheran Witness is all about smaller congregations.
We know where the kingdom of God is on this earth: where the Word of God is preached and Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are administered.
The season of Epiphany begins on Jan. 6. In this season, Jesus’ revelation is everywhere.