The Paradoxical Church
The Church is a paradox. She is the Bride of Christ, ‘spotless,’ ‘holy.’ And yet she only appears in this world hidden under the guise of poor sinners.
The Church is a paradox. She is the Bride of Christ, ‘spotless,’ ‘holy.’ And yet she only appears in this world hidden under the guise of poor sinners.
Can the Gospel be shared on social media? Absolutely. But to use social media to share the Gospel is to be in it for the long haul.
While technology has indeed made us more efficient, it has also created a world where we do multiple things at the same time. And a divided mind fosters worry.
This word of promise helps us face our anxieties and cry out in confidence to our Lord and Savior.
Is memorizing Scripture really that big of a deal?
The Equality Act would bring sweeping changes to current laws, to the great detriment of biblically faithful churches, institutions, Christian schools and individuals.
Amid a culture that prides itself on rationality, superstition lingers on. Indeed, some superstitions have a stronger foothold than ever before in the popular American consciousness.
Superstitions abound where the Word of God is absent.
The words in this book are God’s words, and therefore this Bible (book) is “holy.” It is different from any other book. And we read it differently
In this important section of our Lutheran Book of Concord, the Lutheran church confesses this important distinction regarding the Bible as the “sole source and norm of doctrine,” yet faithfully confessed.
As the Small Catechism teaches, we are to lead a chaste and decent life in what we say and do. We are to be discriminating, not promiscuous; we are to be faithful to whom God has called us to love and honor.
Christian certainty can be summarized in terms of the Six Chief Parts of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.