The Magazine

Real Life Hunger Games

by Rev. Philip B. Wolf For many, it is the latest fascination. For those washed shameless in Gods Sacrament of Baptism, it is the latest divine dinner bell calling from Camp Calvary to us, the satisfied, to serve those yet unsatisfied with the permanent solution to their hunger for life and love. For everyone, its

Those Who Are Away (Web-exclusive story)

by Rev. Dr. Dale Sattgast Tend the flock of God that is in your charge (1 Peter 5:2a). Recently, every congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod was supposed to return its annual statistical report. Most often, the pastor takes the responsibility for making certain that specific information is gathered and the report is sent. The

October Baby (Web-exclusive story)

by Ed and Ruthie Szeto October Baby is a touching movie about a young woman who, upon learning that she was adopted after a failed abortion attempt, embarks on a journey to find her birth mother. The movie’s tagline, “Every life is beautiful,” plays off of Psalm 139: “For You formed my inward parts; You

So Let God Be God

Society tells us that we have to work for what we want in life. Christ tells us that it is all ours, freely, on account of Him. by Rev. Barry Long “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33). When I was

God creates calamity

Thanks to Rev. Larry Vogel (January 2012) for addressing a difficult subject that bothers many (if not all) of us as we struggle to make sense out of disasters. I will recommend this article to many who are tempted by the devil to question God and His goodness in the wake of disasters in their

Taking a bet

Iwas interested in the article written by the Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz especially due to a recent experience as a young couple left a casino. My wife and I had some friends who wanted to see the inside of a casino, so we stayed inside the car outside and waited for them. As we

Pastoral Care in the Country

We were so pleased to see the article on Rev. Josh Lowe in the latest Lutheran Witness. The article captured Josh perfectly! I always read your magazine cover to cover and then share it with a friend. Thanks for your continuing good work. Carol Ann Sander Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to

Lutheran Witness: March 2012

Unpack Lutheran education and the philosophy from which it stems, focusing on the joy of residential seminary education, instructing Christ’s little ones and teaching the faith in the home.

Q and A

by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz  Q: Do the Lutheran churches have an opinion concerning the Masonic Lodge and other similar organizations? A: Lutheran churches in the United States in varying degrees and at various points in their history have taken positions opposing lodge membership (particularly the Masonic Lodge), although some have relaxed or even removed their

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