The Magazine

Is Marriage Obsolete or Just Misunderstood? (Web-exclusive story)

by Dr. Gene Edward Veith What with gay marriage, single parenthood, just living together and soaring divorce rates, its little wonder that 40 percent of Americans think that marriage is obsolete. Most Americans no longer think marriage is necessary for having sex. (60 percent believe its morally acceptable to have sex before marriage.)  Or necessary

10 Minutes with . . .Clayton Andrews

by Sheryl Schmeckpeper Clayton Andrews lives by these words, “Don’t let your mind tell your body how old it is.” So far, the motto has served him well. While many senior citizens are hitting balls around the golf course, the 90-year-old Norfolk, Neb., resident is running two corporations that have worldwide impact. Andrews was just

Advent: Wanting, Waiting and Welcoming (Web-exclusive story)

by Rev. Gregory Alms Advent is the Rodney Dangerfield of the Church Year seasons. It gets no respect. In the mad rush to Christmas, the season of Advent can get pushed aside like hapless shoppers in the way of a bargain at Wal-Mart. When churches try to keep this time of preparation for the birth

Walther’s heritage

Thank you for the superb October special issue of The Lutheran Witness. I wish that some of our LCMS churches would pay particular attention to Walther’s passion for music and particularly his chief consideration that our hymns be pure in doctrine. John Vieker’s article “Born for Nothing but Music” points out that the Lord used

How to Reclaim Parental Spiritual Responsibility in Advent (Web-exclusive story)

by Stan Palmer Although written from a modern evangelical perspective (Fuller Youth Institute), “Silence is Not Golden” is a thought-provoking discussion about the ongoing parental challenge of effectively communicating and nurturing the Christian faith in our children. It is a problem that not only transcends denominational boundaries, but it is one that is worsening in

Protecting Children

In “A New and Reckless Creed: Children and Culture” (October 2011), Dr. Beverly Yahnke brilliantly compares the Christian creed we confess with the growing godless creed of our culture today in America. Then she points out how Satan attacks our children via that culture. Finally, she offers ideas and encouragement for Christian parents to protect

A King Pronounced

Consider the comfort and joy of our Lords incarnation in this Christmas meditation.

We Praise Thee, O God

Peek inside Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit, Mich., to see how its design embodies what it means to be Lutheran.


Did God have to become man to save us? by Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). No more sublime words have ever been written. God has become man in Christ! But why? “Why did God become man?” This question has echoed through the centuries in response


by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz Gambling is a popular thing today, and more casinos are going up all around us. Why doesn’t our church take a stand against gambling? The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has, in fact, addressed concerns about this issue. For example, at its 1998 convention, our church adopted a resolution calling attention

On the Twelfth Day

by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar One of the best known songs of the holiday season is the perennial favorite, “The 12 Days of Christmas,” which has the 12 drummers drumming and the seven swans a-swimming and, of course, the partridge in the pear tree, among other things. Each year estimates are made as to how

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