The Magazine

The Visit of the Magi: Fact or Fiction?

by Dr. Paul L. Maier For years, biblical critics have questioned many details in the Christmas Gospels, such as the Annunciation, the Roman census, the Virgin Birth, the angelic announcement to the shepherds, and the infant massacre at Bethlehem. While secular evidence from the ancient world actually supports many aspects of the Nativity, one objection

God Bless Us, Every One!

The spirit of Christmas, Tiny Tim, bah humbugs . . . what does all this mean for a right understanding of Christmas? Thoughts on “A Christmas Carol.”

Tantrums and Gifts

When we don’t get what we want, turning on other people, ourselves, and God is nothing new, no matter what age. We often think of God as a spiritual Santa Claus and thus limit Him and His abundant gifts. So where does that leave us?

More than the bibliography

Dr. Rast’s article on “What Makes America American?” (October) . . . barely touched on the Lutherans’ contribution to American life so that the reader is left with the idea that Lutherans were ignored in this special, but very little attention was given to even a brief overview of the Lutherans’ contributions so that the

Freedom of faith

I am one of the “no” people when it comes to Christianity being the foundation or the guiding force of our nation (“What Makes America American?”). Christianity is the belief in Christ, the Savior, the Trinity. The quotes often used point to our country being founded on a belief in God, which is true, but

History is being rewritten

I started reading with great anticipation the article, “What Makes America American?” However, I was left scratching my head when I finished because the article failed to address the reason why this topic is even on Americans’ radar screens. We have a president who declared, in June 2007, “Whatever we once were, we’re no longer

Changed for the better

I have read The Lutheran Witness many years and have probably saved all of them since 1997. My opinion of it had fallen off after the last few years, but I can say without question that it changed for the better with the October issue. I have heard Dr. Rast speak. I so enjoyed his

Hitting the million mark

I think the last issue of The Lutheran Witness was wonderful and filled with great articles. I especially loved the hymnal article (“Hitting the Million Mark”). I hope many people read it so they start to realize how special it is to use a hymnal for worship. Too many churches in our Synod don’t. I

Heads and tails above the rest

Having read your monthly journal for a number of years now, I wanted to express my gratitude for your work. The last two months especially have been heads and tails above the rest! The writing is well done, and the choice of topics and presentation address many of the concerns of my congregations here in

Providing solace from society

It has been my recent experience that many churches, including Lutheran churches, appear to be emphasizing contemporary technology. This takes the form of screens, amplified instruments (usually guitars), and monitor stations. In some churches, the architecture accommodates the monitor station, which is plainly visible. Often the amplified music is loud. The lyrics may not always

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