The Magazine

Serving the one who serves

The Q & A in September provides a good discussion starter on this historic, yet often misunderstood, practice. I partake of the Sacrament first, so that I, freshly strengthened by it, can thus offer it to the gentleman who assists me in the chancel. He and I both, in turn, again having been strengthened ourselves,

Respecting the person and office

Your recent Q & A on “Who Communes the Pastor” gives with one hand yet takes back with the other.  The response rightly noted that Luther and those who came after him approved of the practice of the pastor’s “self-communion” in the Divine Service while at the same time condemned the “private mass.” However, the

An answer to the question

What has been written on page 23 of the September Issue of The Lutheran Witness contains an improper question and a wrong answer to the improper question. As to the answer given, Luther and Chemnitz are quoted as stating that he practice of a pastor communing himself within the Divine Service of a congregation is

Pointing to Christ

I devoutly hope that the Canadian church visited by Donna Holmquist (Letters, September) was not a Lutheran Church. How inappropriate for a musical accompanist to interrupt music that should properly set a godly atmosphere for worship with a secular love song of the World War II era. Instead of “Stormy Weather,” far better had this

Life worth living

In all the years I have been privileged to read The Lutheran Witness, rarely have I had the honor to read a finer essay than Dr. Gene Edward Veith’s “In Praise of Work” (September). The beauty of Veith’s little essay is what he says so simply and elegantly: That there is equal dignity and worth

From sniper to shepherd

The September article on Pastor Chehab was truly inspirational. It had special meaning for me, whose primary call for my ministry in India (1954–78) was to share the Gospel with Muslims. Luther T. Engelbrecht Seattle, Wash.   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The Lutheran Witness, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road,

Handing on the Word of Truth

With so many Bible translations to pick from, it can be hard to know which one to choose. Which version best drives home what God means to say?

The most desirable way

Dr. Jerald C. Joersz is right that the Sacred Scriptures do not specifically tell us whether pastors should commune themselves or not (Q & A September). Our official doctrine and practice, however, come from the Book of Concord of 1580: “The mass should be a communion, at which the priest and others receive the sacrament

How to Escape the Christmas Madness

Why celebrate Advent when you’re already surrounded by Christmas trees, Christmas carols, and Christmas presents? Rev. Hans Fiene reminds you of what Advent means.

Allowing the opposite

Dr. Joersz’s response to the question about the pastor’s self-communion is slightly misleading. He claims that “The Altar Book . . . allows a pastor’s self-communion.” That is not completely false, but it is terribly inaccurate. The Altar Book allows the opposite thing. It allows a layman to distribute the body and blood of Christ

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