Luther and Private Confession
Balm for consciences afflicted by sin
Balm for consciences afflicted by sin
Human life, no matter what stage of development and no matter what condition it’s in, is precious because of God’s creative work and Christ’s redemptive act.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. –Phil. 4:13 ESV
While I normally read most of The Lutheran Witness each month, the January issue was especially revealing of the rich treasures with which our Lord has entrusted this church body. From the familiar voice of Rev. Mueller, my own district president, to the review of something I heard in person last year (when Dr. Newton
By the time you pick up this issue of The Lutheran
Witness, the story that has dominated the news for the
past two months, the terrible earthquake in Haiti, will
likely have begun to recede from the headlines. Yet…
by Rev. Timothy C. Cartwright I served a parish in the mountains of Colorado for eight years in the 1990s. While there, I volunteered in the local school district. The school superintendent and a principal, and numerous teachers, were congregation members. Each winter for five years, along with another community volunteer, I cared for a
In the context of Ash Wednesday, we see that God’s treasure and heart…are in the same place.
Despite declining populations, rural communities offer vibrant opportunities to joyfully share the comfort of the Gospel.
Three rural LCMS congregations in Kansas and Nebraska share their stories.
Scripture makes it clear that when the communion of saints gathers, Jesus comes in all His fullness among us (Matt. 18:20). He is really present.
Like Daniel in the lion’s den, Philip Melanchthon faced the papal legate Lorenzo Campeggio at Augsburg in 1530.
Forgiveness is a treasure God gives to His people to share with one another.