The Magazine

Which Map?

by Dr. Robert D. Newton Is it possible to be faithful in following Christ “into all the world” and still get lost? Ask seasoned missionaries, and if they’re honest, they will undoubtedly say, “Yes!” Priscilla and Bob Newton at home in the Philippines in the late 1970s I doubt that anyone would want to question

Ministry in the Margins

by Anthony A. Cook The View from Here Editor’s Note: With this online column, we offer occasional essays on topics that appear in The Lutheran Witness or that have broad interest among our readers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every social group has a story–a narrative that gives the group meaning, defines values, articulates goals, identifies enemies, and records

The Earthquake in Haiti: Again, the ‘Why’ Question

by Rev. John T. Pless As I write these lines, the world reels with the news of a devastating earthquake in Haiti that has left a death toll numbering in the thousands. In this impoverished nation, the magnitude of suffering cannot be measured. Closer to home, senseless workplace murders, seemingly random violence, and cases of

Lutheran Witness: December 2009

At the heart of it all, as so vividly expressed by Luther’s famous Christmas hymn, “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come”—the focus of two of our stories this month—is the birth of God’s Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

A song to treasure

I received my copy of the October Lutheran Witness today and was skimming through the articles. Seth Long’s “Foolish Things of the World” caught my eye, and I began to read the story. I got to the line that all understanding is trivial as long as we come to understand those six simple words: “Jesus

Regarding trust

This is a response to Pastor Michael Brockman’s October letter regarding distrust in the Missouri Synod. Over the years, I consistently told the people in my congregation that one of the great things about the Missouri Synod is that regardless of where they worshiped, they will never hear false teaching from an LCMS pulpit. Therein

Mission multiplication at sea

The Lutheran Witness’ October stories on “Mission Multiplication” and the Reformation surfaced online on a Norwegian cruise ship during a recent holiday. The ship carried about 2,000 people from 60 countries. After visiting about a dozen countries and historic places such as Ephesus, my wife and I were struck with the possibilities of doing Christ’s

With me, not for me!

As someone living with Asperger’s syndrome, I feel compelled to write a few words regarding the “Foolish Things of the World” article in the October Lutheran Witness. Autism is a spectrum disorder, with degrees of severity and variance. This means that many of us can understand deep theological concepts, although one’s level of communication may

Responsibility: a two-way street

I was disappointed with Dr. Randy Schroeder’s response to the worried wife in the October Family Counselor section of The Lutheran Witness. It suggests a sin-and fear-based stance leading to control and limitations. The husband is encouraged to modify and limit his interactions with the opposite sex due to his wife’s anxiety. Nowhere is the

Singing at the gates of eternity

Dr. Mark Press penned a touching article in the August 2009 issue of The Lutheran Witness. He tells of being with his mother in the final moments of her life and the privilege he and his family members had of “singing her into eternity.” I could not help but reflect on the passing of my

‘Christmas Magic’

A family Christmas tradition offers an opportunity to ponder the amazing miracle of God’s grace and rejoice at the birth of His Son.

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