O Sapientia!
Our Lord is Logos; the very logic of the universe itself is disclosed in Him, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Our Lord is Logos; the very logic of the universe itself is disclosed in Him, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Advent isn’t a drag. It’s a time when believers show the world that there’s oil in our flasks and that our faith isn’t pointless.
Most of us choose to skip Advent for the soft glow of a secularized holiday. But what if we gave this wonderful, preparatory season our full attention?
Emmanuel is very much God with us today. He comes to us graciously through His Word, Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
As important as Christmas may be, it is not the birth of Christ that unites mankind in faith; it is His holy death, His resurrection and His promised return.
Christ Jesus–God enfleshed in our nature–continues to fulfill God’s promise to our fallen race.
This joy is more than a good and fuzzy feeling in our hearts; it is the certainty that has unlocked and loosened us from our sins that bound us.
Even as we ask for the Lord Christ’s deliverance of each of us from every evil of body and soul, we look ahead with joy and gladness, living in hope in Christ.
We prepare in Advent to celebrate the coming of our Lord and to worship Him, the one who saves us from our sins because we could not keep the Law.
We look beyond Christmas and wait for our Lord’s coming again to raise us to life, body and soul, and the Church prays, “O Wisdom . . . Come!”
The O Antiphons can continue to teach, enlighten and comfort the Church today.
Are you hopeless? Bury yourself in the Scriptures!