Faith and Culture

Behold Your Dead Hero

Consider a moment how Americans make everything “super.” Nothing can be just ordinary in America — everything must be super.

Awake or Woke

Be on guard and “stay awake at all times” so that you are not distracted by … this world and unsure about your salvation …

Christ Crucified

The darker the world, the brighter the Gospel. The more depressing the sermon of the world is, the more precious becomes the preaching of our beloved pastors.

Resurrected Body

Easter changes everything. It even answers the question of transgenderism.

Lutheran Witness: April 2023

The April issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the Christian’s life in the three estates: the church, the family and the state.

God Bless You

I don’t know why I thought I’d be able to mediate the heated dispute between two neighbors on the jogging trail that day.

The Religiously Remixed

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, we do not live in an increasingly secularized, materialist society. Rather, we live in a society in which people are increasingly “spiritual, but not religious.”

Spewing Out the Lukewarm

Around the world, both religious commitment and religious rejection are growing in various countries. But being lukewarm when it comes to religion is decreasing everywhere.

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