“Lutheranism and Other Denominations” Booklet
This booklet gives an overview of 11 Christian denominations and their theologies, providing the Lutheran response to each.
This booklet gives an overview of 11 Christian denominations and their theologies, providing the Lutheran response to each.
This resource gives a short introduction to various world religions and shares the Lutheran confession to each, showing where each goes astray from God’s truth as revealed in Scripture.
This booklet walks through the Divine Service from beginning to end, including biblical and historical background, and gives an overview of common Lutheran practices during worship.
Listening to sermons on Sunday morning often requires wrestling with my sinful flesh to focus on what the pastor is preaching. It’s not easy; it takes work.
Through hymns, the Gospel is carried to hearts and minds in music.
Congregations: Consider using these words in the Prayer of the Church on or before July 14, as you pray together for the Synod convention (July 20–25).
Look ahead to the 2019 Synod Convention with previews of overtures, nominees for president, essays, the opening service and more in the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness.
Doggedly chasing the world’s standard for inclusivity and hypersensitivity often falls flat and possibly lands with a lawsuit or two. But maybe there’s another way.
In the April issue, learn from your Savior, who hangs on a cross for you, lies in the tomb for you, and is risen – and returning! – all for you.
My reason follows after, in the wake of faith, and convinces me that the universe is simply too ordered and too complex to exist by chance.
Learn Luther’s method of prayer, which interestingly encompasses both rote and free prayer!
Jesus comes to [John the Baptist] at the Jordan from Galilee and desires to be baptized [Matt. 3:13]. How marvelously backward this is!