I was happy to read the August story about encouraging young musicians to help with worship in their congregations (“Music to the Ears: Inspiring Children to Enrich Worship”). We have done that in our parish for many years.
However, I was disappointed that the article did not mention the Lutheran Summer Music program, which encourages and prepares our young church musicians to participate in worship, using their God-given talents.
This intense month-long experience, held each summer on a Lutheran college campus, is a life-changing event that transforms young people from participants to leaders in their congregations. World-class musicians teach and foster Christian growth among our young people each summer, and they, in turn, have the experience of a lifetime. About 150 teens travel from across America, and even from other countries, to attend Lutheran Summer Music (a large percentage of them receive scholarships). Friendships and bonds are formed in a loving, Christian atmosphere.
Anyone who has the privilege of attending the concerts and recitals at the end of the session will never forget the experience.
Amy C. Peters
Clarksville, Tenn.
In July, we visited the 2008 Lutheran Summer Music program. Look for a story about the experience in a forthcoming issue of The Lutheran Witness. —ed.
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