Readers curious to know more about who the Holy Spirit is and how He works will find plenty to ponder in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness.

- From the President: Peace on a mission
- To you. Through you. By the Spirit. — Jeffrey Oschwald
- What about the Holy Spirit? — Curtis P. Giese
- Come, Holy Spirit, Lord and Comforter — a hymn by Mark Preus
- ‘I believe in the Holy Spirit’ — an excerpt from Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation
- Holy Spirit, Holy Church — Tom Eggebrecht
- The Holy Spirit as Advocate — Charles A. Gieschen
- world views: A monthly news column from Gene Edward Veith
- searching scriptures: The Holy Spirit and the Word — Matthew Richard
- bene+diction: An open window — Emily Cook
From the editor
In those days, I will pour out my Spirit …
I’ll confess: When I hear these beautiful, familiar words from Joel and Acts on Pentecost Sunday, my mind fills with images of divine inspiration, miracles and tongues of fire — of zeal and conviction and joy and excitement. Does yours?
Yet when I glance back at the words — “in those days” — I often wonder: What about us? What about these days? Where are our miracles? Our tongues of fire? Our zeal? Where is the Holy Spirit in our time?
I’m sure I’m not alone. There’s a reason, after all, that Pentecostalism (with its heavy emphasis on a direct personal experience with the Holy Spirit) is the fastest-growing branch of Christianity in the world today. People are hungry to experience the power of the Spirit they
read about in Scripture.
I know, too, though, that the Spirit isn’t ours to control or manipulate. As Curtis Giese points out (p. 11), the Holy Spirit is “not some ‘force’ to experience but the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.” The Spirit works as He wills, not as we will. We honor Him best when we stop thinking about what we want from Him and start thinking instead about what He wants for us: to show us Jesus, give us faith, teach us love, bring us life.
Curious to know more about the “shy person of the Trinity”? Read on — and marvel anew at the Holy Spirit’s great love for you.
Rachel Bomberger
Managing Editor, The Lutheran Witness