The Latest Articles
The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline
The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord falls on Feb. 2.
Don’t Give Up the Ship (and Other Lessons from a Soggy Sailor)
“Ready to tack?” The skipper’s voice cut through the roar of the wind as the prow clunked into yet another wave.
Being Distinctly Lutheran: A Life Worth Living
Lutheranism celebrates the physical in relation to the spiritual in several ways.
Happy … What?
am just old enough to remember when the mid-February greeting used to run: “Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!” Anyone else remember those days?
The Boldness of the Little Drummer Boy
The classic, kitschy Christmas song, “The Little Drummer Boy,” exemplifies the boldness that belongs to us as children of God.
Why December 25?
What if I told you that December 25 probably was the day on which the Lord Jesus was born? What if I told you that the evidence actually does point to December 25?
Martin Luther’s ‘Joy to the World’
Martin Luther never sang “Joy to the World.” But Luther’s hymn “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come” explodes with Christmas joy.