The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

On ‘Anna Karenina’: A prescient critique of sexual disorder

Although he wrote long before the Sexual Revolution, Tolstoy anticipates the tragic effects of such an ethic on human life.


Blessed Are You When Others Revile You

Protesters began their vandalization of statues by concentrating on Confederate heroes, then they targeted slave-owning Founding Fathers.

Two More Religious Liberty Rulings

The U.S. Supreme Court has issued two more rulings protecting religious liberty.

Prospects for a Coronavirus Awakening?

Anecdotally, a number of LCMS congregations are seeing more people visiting their streaming services than typically attend in person on Sunday mornings.

Mulch While the Sun Shines

Weeds rank high on the list of a gardener’s least favorite things, right up there with drought, blight, wilt, groundhogs, rabbits, parsley worms and potato beetles.

Herman Sasse: Courage for Confession

Sasse was a faithful witness to the cross of Christ in his teaching and writing but also in a life that brought him into conflict and suffering on account of the Gospel.

Treasury of Daily Prayer: A COVID Lifeline

After years of trying (and failing) to establish a daily devotional time, the Treasury of Daily Prayer has been a game-changer.

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