The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

How to Host a Midnight Easter Feast

You can create a powerful Resurrection celebration at home — in the middle of the night! And I’m here to help.


LCMS Stewardship Feature Story
Stewardship ISN’T Easy

Stewardship is never easy. It is a daily and weekly call to repentance.

On ‘The Last Battle’: Hope in an Age of Political Woe

C.S. Lewis reminds us of our everlasting hope despite political turmoil.

On “O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe”: A Hymn for Reformation Day and Halloween

My life is hid with Christ in God. I’m inside His armor. I get to see Him fight for me.

Home: A Sacred Shelter and a Confession of Christ

The Christian home can proclaim the Gospel and serve its neighbors.

Christ, the Book of Life: On the Comfort of Divine Election

The Book of Life, in which our names are written, reveals our salvation and glory in Christ our Lord.

Confessing Together: How the Creed Proclaims You are Not Your Own

Our Christian creed provides a counter-cultural story and identity that is both true and real.

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