The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

On ‘Anna Karenina’: A prescient critique of sexual disorder

Although he wrote long before the Sexual Revolution, Tolstoy anticipates the tragic effects of such an ethic on human life.


Wanted: The Perfect Family

Christians are not immune to the pain of broken families.

Our Great Heritage: Paul the Apostle

Once a persecutor of the church, he was called by Christ to share His Good News with the Gentiles — and, down the centuries, with us.

The Failure of Digital Community

From liquid modernity to incarnate community By Josh Pauling In the year 2000, the Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman coined the …

St. Matthias’s Yoke

Pastors need to hear the warning of Judas together with the ordination of Matthias.

Our Great Heritage: What Is History?

As a Christian, you already know what history is about: Jesus coming to save you.

Christian Hope Amidst Numerical Decline

It is understandable to grieve at the closing of a parish; but remember that every church building on earth, however beloved it may be, is a temporary haven.

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