The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Confessing Together: How the Creed Proclaims You are Not Your Own

Our Christian creed provides a counter-cultural story and identity that is both true and real.


In Praise of the Old Church Pew

Church pews are made for community. You cannot wall yourself off from others. You cannot decide to be alone.

Reformation 2017: What’s at Stake? The Same Thing as Always

The article upon which the Church stands or falls is the doctrine of justification. It is the chief article of Christian doctrine.

As Living Members of One Body in Christ

The life of the church is not a human endeavor or accomplishment. It is the gift of God, which He accomplishes by the ministry of the Gospel.

Marriage: Human Construct or Divine Institution?

Any conversation about marriage ought to start with a simple definition—what is marriage?

Storming the Gates of Paradise

While transhumanists hope to prolong life by halting aging processes, they can’t make sure the parachute opens when you try sky-diving on your 650th birthday.

Transhumanism: The Danger of Humans without Bodies

Transhumanism promotes uploading human personalities into robotic bodies so that people can live beyond death. But in view of the Gospel promise, the dream of humans without bodies, of our minds being uploaded into robots so as to live forever, seems less like a dream, and more like a nightmare.

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