The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

On ‘Frankenstein’: Alienation and the Creature’s Need for Belonging

‘Frankenstein’ is a tragic picture of what happens when we don’t live according to our design for communion with our Creator and fellow creatures.


Being for the Family

Now, as ever, faithful Christians must be intentional about teaching our children what marriage is, what family is and how family remains the stabilizing force of every society.

Depart in Peace: Praying for a Good Death

Death is ugly from the outside no matter how life ends, but God looks upon our ugliness and says, “This is mine.”

Advent Isn’t a Baby Shower

Advent isn’t a baby shower. We aren’t getting ready for a baby to be born in Bethlehem. That train has already left the station.

The Other Side of Marriage

While those of us who stand on this other side need to be ready to suffer ridicule and mockery, let’s also be prepared to provide a clear and reasoned response to those who mock us.

Sticks and Stones

Our students, children and confirmation youth can begin to learn the seriousness of persecution even when they’re young. How can we help them?

Shaped by the Cross

So, you are a Christian? Congratulations! You belong to the faith where you are expected to suffer in this life.

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