The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

On ‘Frankenstein’: Alienation and the Creature’s Need for Belonging

‘Frankenstein’ is a tragic picture of what happens when we don’t live according to our design for communion with our Creator and fellow creatures.


In Detroit: Partners in the Field

by Roland Lovstad Ministry among immigrants in neighborhoods such as Detroit’s Mexicantown depends on willing and committed volunteers as well …

Back to School: From School to Church – a Personal Story

by Diane Strzelecki Like families in many communities, the Ellis family was unchurched. Today, the family worships at Immanuel Lutheran …

Summer Worship–An Exciting Adventure!

by Scott Snow As the “dog days of summer” fade into preparations for kids going back to school, there will …

Living Together Before Marriage

by Richard C. Eyer As I sat in the waiting room thumbing through the only magazines available–women’s magazines–I skimmed an …

Buy the Field!

by R. Reed Lessing The year is 588 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian king, is establishing his headquarters at …

What Do You Crave?

A coffeehouse offers ‘Peace, Coffee, More’ … and conversations about Jesus by Roland Lovstad At the crossroads of a university …

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