The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

On ‘Frankenstein’: Alienation and the Creature’s Need for Belonging

‘Frankenstein’ is a tragic picture of what happens when we don’t live according to our design for communion with our Creator and fellow creatures.


Working in Partnership to Assist Haitians

by Kim Plummer Krull Many Lutheran partners are working cooperatively with LCMS World Relief and Human Care (LCMS WR-HC), LCMS …

Being Prepared, Lending a Hand

by Kim Plummer Krull The Haiti earthquake makes us think about how we can help suffering survivors and also about …

When ‘Wanting to Do the Right Thing’ Might Get You in Trouble

Haiti, Volunteerism, and a Desire to Help Commentary by Albert B. Collver III and Daniel Mattson The earthquake in Haiti …

‘Loaded With Opportunities’

Three rural LCMS congregations in Kansas and Nebraska share their stories.

Ministry in the Margins

by Anthony A. Cook The View from Here Editor’s Note: With this online column, we offer occasional essays on topics …

The Earthquake in Haiti: Again, the ‘Why’ Question

by Rev. John T. Pless As I write these lines, the world reels with the news of a devastating earthquake …

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