The Latest Articles
The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Mental Illness in the Lutheran Congregation
Research shows that one in five adults, and one in six children, will experience a mental illness.
The Earthquake in Haiti: Again, the ‘Why’ Question
by Rev. John T. Pless As I write these lines, the world reels with the news of a devastating earthquake …
Operation Enduring Comfort
How a New York congregation helps ‘keep the home fires burning’ and serves as an example of the work of Operation Barnabas.
District Convention Summary Reports
Between January and July, our 35 LCMS Districts met in convention. Click on the links below for access to the …
Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance
The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance is preparing the final report of its work. The report …
Lutheran Heritage–A Look Inside the CHI Museum
Visit the CHI Museum photo album on our Facebook page.
Back to School: 25 Ways Toward an Interwoven Ministry
by Diane Strzelecki As part of a presentation last March to the National Lutheran Administrators Conference, Rev. Ron Weidler, pastor …