Five Fatherhood Examples from the Father of Us All

by Rev. Kevin Vogts Malachi 2:10 asks, “Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us?” Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June is a civil holiday and not a traditional observance of the Church Year. However, it is from Scripture and especially the example of our heavenly Father Himself that

The Lord Gives. Christians Manage.

by Jerald C. Wulf Why do we give to the church? Is it because it makes us feel good or because everything we have is the Lord’s? It is suppertime, and the telephone rings. With a certain amount of apprehension, you pick up the receiver. Caller ID does not show a familiar name, so you

LCMS Schools: A Snapshot of LCMS Pre-K–12 Education

by William D. Cochran Q. How have LCMS schools grown over the last 40 years? A. There has been a steady growth in the total number of Lutheran schools, which peaked at 2,525 schools in 2006. That includes a significant growth in the number of free-standing early childhood centers, which reached a high of 1,406

Concordia University System

by Adriane Dorr Q. What is the Concordia University System (CUS)? The CUS consists of: Ten colleges and universities 27,000 students Over 2,000 full- and part-time faculty Over 200 programs of study One solid foundation, God’s Word, for a Christ-centered educational environment Q. What is the current number of students enrolled in a church vocation,

Witness, Mercy, Life Together and Restructuring

by Dr. Albert B. Collver III Among the blessings, gifts and challenges that our Synod faces is the task of restructuring. With the passing of Res. 8–08A at the Synod’s convention in July 2010, the Synod decided to create a more flexible organization by aligning its work around two mission boards. The President’s Office was

Mercy: Uniquely Equipped for Body and Soul Work

by Albert B. Collver III and Kim Plummer Krull Throughout its history, LCMS World Relief and Human Care (WR-HC) has cared for people in body and soul in response to disasters, hunger, poverty and other needs. Apart from disasters, some of the best-supported programs involve the care and help of children, such as the 1001

The Future is Here

by Barbara A. Below On a beautiful spring evening in Palmar Arriba, Dominican Republic, as pictures were displayed on a makeshift screen set up in the street outside the three-bedroom home, little Ramona stood in the spotlight and danced. Along with over 200 other people who gathered from the community, Ramona enjoyed the dedication of

Mission Heritage Sets Stage for Global Reach

by Kim Plummer Krull In 1971, a peak high of more than 350 LCMS missionary families dedicated their lives to serving the Lord in foreign fields. Today, 59 such career missionary families (which often include both a husband and wife with calls to serve) work in other countries. But instead of focusing on decline, Dr.

Funding: What’s at Stake?

by John Edson The mission and ministry of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod are dependent on gifts from congregations and individuals.  These gifts to the Synod come in two forms.  The first is referred to as restricted gifts where the funds can be used only for the purpose designated by the donor.  The second type is

Fan into Flame Update

by Kim Plummer Krull How much has the capital campaign raised, and what’s left to go? The capital fund-raising campaign Fan into Flame has led to blessings as well as challenges. That’s important for LCMS members to know, says LCMS President Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, because “in order for us to solve our financial challenges,

Searching Scripture

by Kevin Vogts It is unfortunate that when we hear the word stewardship the first thing that comes to mind for most modern Christians is money.  Biblically speaking, money is only one part of a life of Christian stewardship. According to Rom. 6:23, what do we all deserve from God on account of our sins? 

Righting the Financial Ship

by Kim Plummer Krull We were spending a lot more than we were receiving,” says South Wisconsin District (SWD) President Rev. John Wille, explaining as simply as possible why that district had fallen into an operating deficit of $880,000 and a capital indebtedness of $5.5 million when he became president in 2006. Today, the SWD

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