The Internet and the Eighth Commandment

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz     A staff member of our congregation has been designated in a will to serve as a personal representative of a person giving large sums of money to causes promoting sinful behavior. I discovered this information on the Internet and have discussed it with others—although to my knowledge the congregation

‘Choice’ Words

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans Our child attends a Lutheran prekindergarten. We were dismayed when he came home with some words we don’t approve of. Before this year, he didn’t have a lot of interaction with other children, so this is a new experience for us. Do we talk to the teacher? Reprimand our son?

Shedding Some Light

A GIft for Jesus When my grandchildren go to church with me, I like to give them each a quarter to put in the collection plate, which they both get very excited about doing. Well, on Easter this year, after dinner, my sisters hid some plastic eggs around my parents’ yard for the grandchildren to

‘He Has Lifted Up the Lowly’

by Rev. Christopher D. Hall Illustration: The Visitation by Bonvicino; vol. 34 of the Bowyer Bible; Wikimedia Commons In the summer of 2004, the Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, for the first time since 1896. In the home of the Olympics, the host country made many references to its pre-Christian past—and to the

‘Wait. . . Be Strong. . . Take Courage!’

The July 13 election of a man who will serve as the 13th president in the 163-year history of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will bring, in his own words, “tumultuous change” in the LCMS. I pray that as a result of such change many more people will be brought to Christ through our witness to God’s love, grace, mercy, peace, and forgiveness.

Big Decisions in a Big City

Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod made important decisions that will chart the course of the Synod for years to come.

Providing a complete picture

The May issue of The Lutheran Witness carried a fine article by President Kieschnick and a longer article of equal quality by the Rev. Charles Werth of Bethesda Lutheran Communities. Both items focused on ministry with and to people with disabilities. At a previous Synod convention, a task force was formed to deal effectively with

Suffering Together, Rejoicing Together

After his election July 13, Rev. Harrison addressed the convention and introduced his wife, Kathy, to the assembly. Here is the edited text of his brief statement.

Comforting words indeed

The courageous May “Lifeline” story of Nancy Callies’s confrontation with disease and death becomes eternally important as she reaches for Luther’s favorite Psalm (46). This pastor’s wife brings to Lutheran Witness readers a true Mother’s Day message: “Be still and know that I am God.” In the midst of suffering, jihad fears, and economic uncertainties,

Who is Matthew Harrison?

Interested in getting to know President-elect Harrison? Find out who he is, where he’s from, and what he has to say.

The fruits of her labor

I appreciated your article on Tilahun Mendedo, our new president here at Concordia College in Selma. I have only one complaint, and that is when your author remarked that Dr. Rosa Young (the founder of Concordia) was not a Lutheran. While she may not have been one when she first contacted the Synodical Conference, she

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