Mission multiplication at sea

The Lutheran Witness’ October stories on “Mission Multiplication” and the Reformation surfaced online on a Norwegian cruise ship during a recent holiday. The ship carried about 2,000 people from 60 countries. After visiting about a dozen countries and historic places such as Ephesus, my wife and I were struck with the possibilities of doing Christ’s

Grieving a Significant Loss

by Theresa M. Shaltanis I lost my wife three years ago the week after Thanksgiving. Since then, this time of year has felt empty to me. Friends have told me it’s time I get over this, but I just can’t. What can you suggest that might make this time less melancholy? The death of a

Responsibility: a two-way street

I was disappointed with Dr. Randy Schroeder’s response to the worried wife in the October Family Counselor section of The Lutheran Witness. It suggests a sin-and fear-based stance leading to control and limitations. The husband is encouraged to modify and limit his interactions with the opposite sex due to his wife’s anxiety. Nowhere is the

A Great Joy!

by Rev. William Weedon Have you ever noticed how the theme of joy trumpets through the Church’s hymns at Christmas? “Joy to the World,” “O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly,” “Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn,” “All My Heart Again Rejoices.” And those are just the opening lines of a few hymns! Whence this Christmas joy? Read

Sunshine and Peace

‘Jesus came to bring sunshine to a dark world. What a great picture! Shine on us, O Lord!’

Being deeply thankful

Dr. Albert Collver’s October Lutheran Witness article, “A Mighty Fortress,” clearly pinpoints why we should be deeply thankful to call ourselves “Lutheran.” This is not because we follow Martin Luther as someone more than a man, but because we share in Luther’s firm stand on the holy Word of God and the comfort it brings

‘Christmas Magic’

A family Christmas tradition offers an opportunity to ponder the amazing miracle of God’s grace and rejoice at the birth of His Son.

Regarding trust

This is a response to Pastor Michael Brockman’s October letter regarding distrust in the Missouri Synod. Over the years, I consistently told the people in my congregation that one of the great things about the Missouri Synod is that regardless of where they worshiped, they will never hear false teaching from an LCMS pulpit. Therein

Maranatha! Our Lord, Come!

by Rev. William Weedon Photo of The Last Judgement frieze, Banberg, Dom St. Peter and St. Georg, by wikimedia commons Advent celebrates three comings of our Lord: historical, mystical, and final. The hymn, “Once He Came in Blessing” (LSB 333), opens a way for us to ponder these: Once He came in blessing, All our

Orphans, Widows and Giving Thanks

‘Through Christ, God has adopted us into His family. This is the greatest reason of all for us to give Him thanks “at all times and in all places” . . . .’

On Contentment

Sometimes in the pursuit of the things of this world, we risk sacrificing the good gifts our heavenly Father has already given.

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