Another Scourge
1793. 1918. 2020. Devastating diseases have been a part of the human experience since the fall of human beings into sin.
1793. 1918. 2020. Devastating diseases have been a part of the human experience since the fall of human beings into sin.
In 1755, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Lisbon, Portugal, on All Saints’ Day, terrorizing the city of 250,000. Churches were full when the first tremor struck. Many perished in collapsing churches.
After a minute or so of this, Todd asked, “Pastor, what do you think was going on?” I said, “When it’s time, it’s time. Todd, it’s time.”
We do not often think of a funeral as the best time for reflection on the Small Catechism. However, when I conducted my first funeral as a young pastor, I was struck by just how appropriate Luther’s explanation to the Seventh Petition of the Lord’s Prayer was for just such an occasion. I not only incorporated it into my first funeral sermon but also led the congregation in a recitation of it then and at every subsequent funeral service.
Christian love is defined by Christ and follows His example as confessed in 1 Corinthians 13. Christian love lives entirely for someone else.
Thoughts from the midst of the virus by Derek Lecakes. Life has changed.
Five common objections to Jesus’ resurrection and suggestions for countering them with simple explanations.
In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis helps us decipher many of the crafty ways the devil tries to tempt, mislead and deceive us.
Through hymns, the Gospel is carried to hearts and minds in music.
Denominations in Christianity understand “grace” in a variety of ways. See how the Scripture-based understanding Lutherans have of grace compares with others.
As dark days become brighter, Epiphany delivers us the Jesus who Himself is the Light of the World.
What exactly is the “priesthood of all believers”? And what does it mean for us?