Matthew Harrison

I challenge you to read the Bible

There is no problem of faith, life, family or Church for which the Bible does not have answers. As we move toward the Synod’s 175th anniversary in 2022, let’s be people of the Bible.

What is the good life?

The “good life,” the greatest life, is life reconciled to God our Maker and to our fellow human beings — in love, forgiveness and yes, great joy.

Will you pray for your pastor?

Will you, by God’s Spirit, resolve to be more diligent in prayer for for your pastor? He needs your prayers, always — and now, more than ever.

Concerning the six-day creation

There will always be a struggle between faith and reason. In matters of clear teaching of the Bible, however, we must hold to the Scriptures.

Rejoicing to confess

The Lutheran Confessions give us a firm place to stand as we consider the world in all its complexity.

Grieving with Hope

Several references tell of Luther’s great struggle – the struggle we all face in times of death.

Why Do I Believe in Jesus?

My reason follows after, in the wake of faith, and convinces me that the universe is simply too ordered and too complex to exist by chance.

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