Roy S. Askins

Lutheran Witness: September 2024

The September issue celebrates the 100th anniversary of KFUO Radio: a century of the proclamation of “Christ for you” on the airwaves.

A Teaching Community

A Lutheran education does not have at its heart primarily education in secular matters, but the deep and abiding inculcation of the faith.

The First Christian Community

The Book of Acts records how our Lord worked through the first Christian community to send forth the Gospel into all the world.

A Global Hope

Being a confessional Lutheran church body can seem lonely — but the LCMS has 43 sister churches around the world that face similar pressures and challenges.

A Chaste Community

This issue discusses how to live in and defend chastity in a culture that rejects it.

A Hopeful Community

We do not despair. The church of God is a community buoyed by hope, confident in God.

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