Confessing and Confirming the Faith

by Dr. John W. Oberdeck Luther planned the Ninety-Five Theses for academic debate. The popular document moved rapidly beyond Luther’s intention and became the rallying point of the Reformation. Soon Luther and the other reformers found themselves making public confession of what they believed and taught. Public confession of faith helps distinguish Scripture’s teachings from …

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A Tool for the Toolbox

Through a chance meeting, a pastor discovers firsthand the spiritual benefits of a ‘little’ project on which he had worked.

Groups Ablaze!

Developing small groups for outreach can aid and support our evangelism efforts as we speak the Good News to our unchurched friends and neighbors.

Reaching Out: Luther on Mission

In a world with very few evangelism opportunities, Martin Luther had a profound sense of the importance of witnessing to what Christ has done for sinners.

Lutheran Witness: October 2007

In human terms, 500 years is a long time. The world in which Luther lived half a millennium ago seems distant and hazy when we compare it to the life we lead today.

Lutheran Witness: September 2007

magazine, is for laypeople, while Reporter, our monthly newspaper, is for professional church workers and congregational lay leaders. This principle has served us well

More on “Preparing Pastors”

Regarding the letter from Mr. Roth published in the August issue of the Witness, I need to ask a couple of questions: What does Mr. Roth include in his use of the term stewardship?  And, what are the “manifold benefits” to which he refers—are they primarily monetary?   I agree that financial stewardship—by individuals, congregations, districts, …

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More on “Is God Green?”

The letter from Mr. Pierce regarding the article “Is God Green?” in the August 2007 Lutheran Witness asked an important question: “Just how green can we be and still remain Christians?”  Christians who are concerned about the condition of creation need to exercise some caution, lest they succumb to ideas which, even if they seem …

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Convention Coverage

I am generally very pleased with The Lutheran Witness and believe it to be a fine periodical that deserves greater circulation. I do, however, have one comment to make about the August issue and its convention coverage.  Surely there were pictures of the convention that would better reflect what it means for the Church to gather …

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A Part of Chaplaincy Overlooked

I enjoyed reading the article “In The Shadow of Death,” however, I think you left out an important segment of the Ministry to the Armed Forces—Chaplains Assistants.  If assigned to a Chaplain, Chaplain Assistants have the job of protecting the Chaplain along with many other duties.  As the military is forever suffering a shortage of …

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