The Joy of Subordination in Christ
Subordination need not be a burden; the Christian joyfully submits to Christ who provides for the good of those submitting to Him.
Subordination need not be a burden; the Christian joyfully submits to Christ who provides for the good of those submitting to Him.
The weighty hymn “The Star Proclaims the King Is Here” (LSB 399) is an ancient hymn excerpted from the same poem as our Christmas hymn …
Epiphany is Christmas 2.0. Its conspicuous place following the nativity narrative in Matthew’s Gospel presents it as the “other Christmas,” the “Christmas of the Gentiles.” At the first Christmas we find a swaddled baby in a manger visited by shepherds from the fields summoned by angels. In the “other Christmas,” we find a toddler at …
Children’s entertainment consistently portrays parents — especially fathers — as fools. What should Lutheran parents do?
The January issue of The Lutheran Witness reflects on God’s design for the relationship between men and women, which culminates in marriage, a reflection of God’s redeeming work for His children.
“Male and female he created them,” the Scripture says. And in that creation, God ordered the relation of the man and the woman, of Adam and Eve.
Christ demonstrated how precious every life is at every stage of development. He is truly the creator and “Author of life.”
The saints go marching all year long. Maybe your family’s Christmas season is colored by some happy birthdays or sad memories.
To talk about celebrating the full 12 days of Christmas, one must first talk about celebrating Advent. To do otherwise …
Ah, Christmas: that wonderful time of year when the church music and readings are all comfortably familiar …
An abundance of good things can fool us into believing we deserve everything we have and just a little bit more, too.
Does this article exist? You can’t hold it in your hands, turn the pages, mark it up with a pen and highlighter, or crumple it up …