Social Media Politics: Speaking as a Christian in the Chaos
If you choose to wade into the deep waters of social media political conversations, whether related to the pandemic or the elections, first ask yourself these three questions.
If you choose to wade into the deep waters of social media political conversations, whether related to the pandemic or the elections, first ask yourself these three questions.
God most certainly goes with you into the voting booth and has something to say about the ballot you cast.
This preacher, teacher, translator and LCMS president confessed the joyous reality of Christ and His resurrection found in Scripture.
Understanding the Two Kingdoms and the Christian’s calling as citizen.
Our stewardship goes far beyond the offering plate.
Launching and maintaining KFUO Radio was not easy. But by God’s grace, KFUO has continued proclaiming God’s Word over the airwaves for 100 years.
Christ crucified has been the heart of KFUO’s proclamation for the last 100 years, and remains so today.
Sound, pure, biblical doctrine is always aimed at the repentance and forgiveness and strengthening of poor sinners like you and me.
The September issue celebrates the 100th anniversary of KFUO Radio: a century of the proclamation of “Christ for you” on the airwaves.
Spurred on by a deep love for her neighbor, Rosa Young brought education and the Gospel to a region deeply in need.
When pastors lead by example, they demonstrate the value of music in worship and instruction.
One of the ways to help us and our children read Scripture faithfully is through faithful, realistic art and illustration.