Write for LW in 2021: Part 2
For 140 years, The Lutheran Witness has taught and educated English-speaking Lutherans all over the world. We teach what the Bible teaches.
For 140 years, The Lutheran Witness has taught and educated English-speaking Lutherans all over the world. We teach what the Bible teaches.
They say something always breaks in the first week of a spouse’s deployment. Maybe this is a gift in disguise.
On April 21, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) commemorates the great Archbishop of Canterbury St. Anselm.
A poem celebrating Martin Luther’s famous stand before the Holy Roman Emperor during the Diet of Worms on April 18, 1521.
If people do not need to engage in good works to secure their salvation, why bother with attempting to live an ethical life?
Everyone is an artist.This is a revelation to those who never thought of themselves as artists before.
Jesus was anointed so many times, it is no wonder that He was called “the Christ,” which in Greek means “anointed.”
There is no meal I look forward to as much as our annual Easter feast. My enjoyment of other festive meals always pales in comparison to Easter dinner.
Here are some questions Lutheran schools and congregations might ask homeschoolers.
I wonder what was going through Mary’s mind while the angel spoke to her.
I still have many impressions from those early years, but Palm Sunday memories remain among my favorites.
The hardest part of gardening is always the waiting.