
God without Christ

Luther warned against speculating about God apart from His incarnation in Jesus Christ.

Joseph the Father

There are no accidents in God’s plan for our salvation. He planned and executed everything perfectly for the salvation of mankind.

A Tract on Life in Christ

In “The Freedom of a Christian,” Luther lays out the central Reformation assertion that faith in Christ and not works of the law justifies sinful human beings in the sight of God.

Lord Keep Us Steadfast

Luther’s much simpler and shorter hymn, “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word” (LSB 655), simply wins the day, hands down.

Called to Serve

Martin was a career military officer, as his father before him. That’s the way it was in the 4th century in the Roman Imperial Army.

Creating a New God

Whatever you put your faith in, that is your god. So said Luther in his explanation to the First Commandment in the Large Catechism.

Temporal and Eternal

The two kingdoms doctrine in Lutheran theology is not just distinction between the church and the state, the sacred and the secular, or the spiritual and the physical. Luther often described them as the “temporal kingdom” and the “eternal kingdom.” Though temporal and eternal includes the other senses, the distinction between the temporal and the

Heresy of Constant Conflict

As secularism grows and theological literacy declines, it’s little wonder that ancient heresies are rushing into the void.

Vocation of Citizenship

Vocation means far more than “what I do for a living.” According to Luther, Christians have multiple vocations or callings.

Social Media Politics

If you choose to wade into the deep waters of social media political conversations, whether related to the pandemic or the elections, first ask yourself these three questions.

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