Be Near Me, Lord Jesus
Death isnt pretty, and it isnt easy. But in the midst of my grandmothers death, God gave me one of the greatest gifts ever: the comfort of eternal life in Christ.
Death isnt pretty, and it isnt easy. But in the midst of my grandmothers death, God gave me one of the greatest gifts ever: the comfort of eternal life in Christ.
Thanks to Baptism, we are all adopted children of the heavenly Father!
by Rev. Kevin Bergmann
“Practice makes perfect” is a common saying that is true if you are learning to play the piano or trying to perfect your golf swing. But how about in relationships like marriage? Is a couple better off if they practice being married by living together before the wedding? While some might expect the answer to that question to be yes, it actually is a resounding “No.”
by Rev. Jonathan Fisk “The Church needs get with the times or die.” “If we don’t meet people where they are, then mission won’t happen.” “Technology is the heart language of the next generation.” Have you ever heard statements like these? They can be powerful when spoken by well-meaning people, especially when there really is
by Adriane Dorr While CDs and cassettes may seem out-of-date and old-fashioned next to MP3s and iTunes channels, one Lutheran organization hasn’t ruled them out just yet. In 1972, Rev. Fred Naumann had an idea: use technology to make the pastor’s voice portable. Like the circuit riders of previous centuries, he imagined creating a unique
by Augusta Mennell
What is the most popular religion in the world? It may be “the legend of the Nazarene.” Wherever I go I find it alive and prospering. Certainly, it is my biggest challenge in campus ministry at All Saints Lutheran Church and Student Center.
by Rev. Dr. Robert Rosin The fall quarter of teaching in St. Louis has come to a close. (We’ve squeezed in extra days to finish a bit early, and the students don’t mind–more time free for other papers and exams.) For me, the overseas work is about to begin–Germany, Czech Republic, and part of Asia
by Rev. Thomas Chryst It’s finally here. After all the preparations, all the waiting, all the expectation, Christmas is here. And Christmas is many things. Christmas is decorations and celebrations. Christmas is ham and eggnog and cookies. Christmas is white and red and green. Christmas is visions of sugarplums and big-hearted grinches. Or is it?
In Scripture, we read what Jesus said to His disciples when they had argued among themselves about their importance. “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:27–28).
by James H. Heine Rev. Matthew C. Harrison was installed as the 13th president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Sept. 11. Several days before his installation, The Lutheran Witness sat down with President Harrison for a conversation about the LCMS, his new responsibilities, his family, and himself. ~~~ TLW: We suspect the past few weeks
by Adriane Dorr Rev. Gary Benedix recently retired from full-time ministry . . . but not really. “I have been a pastor and missionary for 42 years; the last 30 of those years were at Peace Lutheran Church in Filer, Idaho,” he states. Although he retired as Peace’s pastor in June, he continued to serve
by Rev. William M. Cwirla Halloween has become a major commercial holiday in this country, second in potential profit making only to the Christmas season. The average American family now spends well over $100 each year in tricks, treats, and scary decorations. What do we Christians do with Halloween? Is it innocent fun or something