Lutheran Life in ‘The Negative World’: Holding to the Gospel in a Shifting Culture
Today, basic Christian tenets are seen as threats to society. How shall we live in this “negative world”?
Today, basic Christian tenets are seen as threats to society. How shall we live in this “negative world”?
Is bivocational ministry on your horizon? Does it seem scary? Can it be good?
Christians must be careful not to “baptize” their politics, i.e., to describe their candidate, party or policies as “Christian” when they are not clearly mandated by God’s Word.
God commands us to honor our fathers and mothers. What does that mean if your mom and dad are wrong?
I tell you, in the strong name of Jesus, your sins are forgiven.
The church plays a significant role in this present world as a robust community.
The core of international mission is planting local Lutheran congregations that are theologically accountable and organizationally sustainable.
Our homes can confess that God is for us when we root them in the Church Year.
We subscribe to the Confessions because they are a faithful exposition of God’s Word, not just insofar as they contain the Word of God.
Launching and maintaining KFUO Radio was not easy. But by God’s grace, KFUO has continued proclaiming God’s Word over the airwaves for 100 years.
Sound, pure, biblical doctrine is always aimed at the repentance and forgiveness and strengthening of poor sinners like you and me.
Wondering where to start? Here are some resources to aid you in supporting your children’s education from within the home.