The Magazine

A comforting multigenerational commitment

Father, Dr. Walter A. “WAM” Maier, and son, Dr. Paul L. Maier, in all of their 40-plus books, never, ever reduced Christ’s Resurrection. The heart, mind, and rescue of those Resurrection hours altered the course of human history. The recent Maier piece (April) only reconfirms this most recent thrust into the depths of despair, disappointment,

By faith

Regarding Dr. Paul Maier’s April article, “Reservations about the Resurrection?”: In answering the argument of the Resurrection doubters that “if the Resurrection really happened, it would have been reported exactly and with no disagreements,” the author cites the example of his students, whose powers of observation miserably failed the test Dr. Maier planted by having

Fathers and Sons

On Father’s Day, many dads will celebrate and fire up the barbeque grill. But fathers have a greater responsibility, too…serving as role models for their sons.

‘Together with all creatures’

I would like to thank Dr. Arand for his wonderful article “Together with All Creatures” in the April issue of The Lutheran Witness. One of my favorite hymns from my childhood in England is “All Things Bright and Beautiful” by Cecil Alexander. I thought of the hymn as I read the article: All things bright

The answer is no

This letter is a response to “Party Time?” in the Family Counselor section of the April Lutheran Witness. The answer to the son should have been an emphatic NO in large print. Just to be sure I was rational in my thinking, I called the local police department and also the local Alcohol Information Center

Something overlooked

Thank you for your April focus on the colleges and universities of the Concordia University System, “What’s New at Our Concordias?” However, some of the programs offered at Concordia University Texas were not mentioned. This academic year, Concordia University Texas began offering pre-nursing courses with acceptance of junior-level students to the professional nursing courses of

Uncovering History

A Lutheran pastor’s Civil War diaries spotlight an “amazing story” and an enduring ministry.

Useful information

Thank you so very much for the informative and inspiring article about Bethlehem in the February Lutheran Witness. My husband took a vacation/tour to Israel some 16 years ago, and [we] are hoping to enrich our grandchildren’s lives with a visit in the near future, but [we] were surprised to read of all of the

Summer Reading: Heroes, Heroines, and Villains!

Dr. Dean O. Wenthe Apocrypha: n., ancient books that offer drama, spiritual insight, and a surprisingly “good read.” Intrigue. Betrayal. Passion. Violence. These words bring to mind much of what we read in the newspapers or view as entertainment. They sound like a tragic but true description of modern society. It might come as a

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