The Magazine

National Youth Gathering

Thanks for the brief yet delightful article on the National Youth Gathering, “Chosen!” I was pleased to see the colorful images of our youth and adults side by side and to read about the many different ways the Gathering impacts the Church and the community. My deep appreciation to our Synod for hosting and supporting

“On Words and Vocations”

Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto makes an excellent point about the deformation of the language. Almost 60 years ago, George Orwell wrote a book, 1984, where language was controlled by the government.  “Free” could mean “Free from fleas”, but could not mean “political choice.”  In that society, people could not voice, or even comprehend, certain issues because words

“Have the Rules Changed?”

I read, with great interest “HAVE THE RULES CHANGED.” In fact, I read it over several times and I always was left having the same opinion. While the question was answered quite accurately and succinctly, I couldn’t help but wonder if the writer meant to ask that particular question.  By asking “Have the Rules Changed”

Lutheran Witness: November 2007

By the time this issue of The Lutheran Witness arrives on your doorstep, many of us will have been thoroughly inundated by all the relentlessly commercial manifestations of the coming Christmastide.

On Chaplains

Thank you for your article on the ministry work of chaplains (“In the Shadow of Death . . . Chaplains Speak of Life Eternal,” August). As one who lives and works for and with the military, I know that the work of chaplains can be distant or close to home. One chaplain, Ch Richard Townes,

Ablaze! on the Road

Opportunities for telling the Good News abound—even when we’re busy with our hobbies.

Funeral Planning

  How grateful I am to The Lutheran Witness and to Jonathan Watt for raising the issue of funeral planning for Lutherans (September 2007 issue). I would simply suggest adding Sacrament to Word. The new Lutheran Service Book puts the two together in a remarkable way in the new Funeral Service. What a way to

One Road to Heaven?

Gene Edward Veith, is most certainly to be commended for so much in his Sept. 07 LW article, “Only One Road to Heaven?”  But he most certainly contradicts himself when he states, “The very concept of “heaven”. . ., is a distinctly Christian belief.  Supplemented with the belief in the resurrection of the body, the

Perplexed by “Poster Power”

I was perplexed when I read the article about the all white Sunday school class in St. Louis sending literature featuring a white Jesus and other white biblical characters to an all Black Sunday school in Kenya. This on the heels of an article on racism in a previous issue, and even a letter to

Values in Public Schools

I am responding to the letter from Tim Utter (September ’07 Witness). My children do attend public schools that support family values. They are taught respect, kindness, friendliness, tolerance, and integrity through character building programs. A school’s job is to educate, and often that means teaching topics on which we may have different opinions. Excellent

Is “Mosaic” descriptive enough?

I read with interest the article by Rev. Ronald E. Nelson entitled “Mosaic–a multiethnic multigenerational church start.”  I am pleased that the CNH District is making the effort to reach out in this way and also with the “successful” results with 210 people attending the “first celebration event.” I am disturbed, however, by the choice of

Reaching Out: Luther on Mission

In a world with very few evangelism opportunities, Martin Luther had a profound sense of the importance of witnessing to what Christ has done for sinners.

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