The Magazine

Certainty in Christ

Christian certainty can be summarized in terms of the Six Chief Parts of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.

And the Word Tabernacled Among Us

The tabernacle signified God’s presence among His people Israel. Now, we look to Jesus to see the place of God’s presence among His people.

Lutheran Witness: December 2020

In the December Lutheran Witness, read how Christ’s incarnation was prefigured throughout the Old Testament and continues to be the source of greatest gifts today.

Tabernacled Among Us: Christ in the Exodus

God provided blood atonement for sinful Israel in the tabernacle. But here in the manger lies the new and better tabernacle, built not with poles, rings and ram’s skins, but with human flesh, born of Mary.

Lutheran Witness: November 2020

The November Lutheran Witness discusses the gifts of God in the Lord’s Supper under the theme “Fellowship at the Table for You.”

Are You Doin’ Okay, Pastor?

Christ has given you a pastor, perhaps a lifetime of pastors, to love you in Christ and care for you. Please care for your pastor.

No Other Gospel: Galatians and the Reformation

Do not desert Him who called you in Christ Jesus. There is no other Gospel than that which we preached to you: “A person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ” (Gal. 2:16).

Lutheran Witness: October 2020

The October Lutheran Witness reflects on the book of Galatians: its historical context, its impact on the Reformation, and its message of Good News for Christians.

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