Lutheran Witness: April 2017
In the April issue, learn from your Savior, who hangs on a cross for you, lies in the tomb for you, and is risen – and returning! – all for you.
In the April issue, learn from your Savior, who hangs on a cross for you, lies in the tomb for you, and is risen – and returning! – all for you.
What joy is ours as resurrection people to participate is Christ’s own great mission of seeking, finding and saving the lost!
From climate change to Harambe, Big Bang to genetics, we’re talking science and faith in the March issue!
My reason follows after, in the wake of faith, and convinces me that the universe is simply too ordered and too complex to exist by chance.
Are the Ten Commandments archaic or are they apropos?
Learn Luther’s method of prayer, which interestingly encompasses both rote and free prayer!
This month, we’re looking at life issues—from the moment of conception to the instant of natural death.
Jesus comes to [John the Baptist] at the Jordan from Galilee and desires to be baptized [Matt. 3:13]. How marvelously backward this is!
Emmanuel is very much God with us today. He comes to us graciously through His Word, Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
As important as Christmas may be, it is not the birth of Christ that unites mankind in faith; it is His holy death, His resurrection and His promised return.
Christ Jesus–God enfleshed in our nature–continues to fulfill God’s promise to our fallen race.
This joy is more than a good and fuzzy feeling in our hearts; it is the certainty that has unlocked and loosened us from our sins that bound us.