The Magazine

Rejoicing to confess

The Lutheran Confessions give us a firm place to stand as we consider the world in all its complexity.

Grieving with Hope

Several references tell of Luther’s great struggle – the struggle we all face in times of death.

Getting over a pastor

Congregations can get over pastors. Pastors are, and should be, replaceable. But pastors don’t get over the places, the people, they serve. In a pastor’s mind, those two names, his and theirs, will always go together.

… So Loved the World

Doggedly chasing the world’s standard for inclusivity and hypersensitivity often falls flat and possibly lands with a lawsuit or two. But maybe there’s another way.

The Gospel and Little Green Men

Are there extraterrestrials out there? Likely not. Whatever life may exist in outer space, this we can say for certain: It too somehow suffered from Adam’s fall. It too somehow shares in the redemption of Christ on earth.

Lutheran Witness: May 2017

In the May issue, be encouraged that when it comes to persecution, your Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the Lord, keeps all of you, His children, in His mercy through it all.

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