Come Quickly!: Antiphon for December 19
Even as we ask for the Lord Christ’s deliverance of each of us from every evil of body and soul, we look ahead with joy and gladness, living in hope in Christ.
Even as we ask for the Lord Christ’s deliverance of each of us from every evil of body and soul, we look ahead with joy and gladness, living in hope in Christ.
We prepare in Advent to celebrate the coming of our Lord and to worship Him, the one who saves us from our sins because we could not keep the Law.
We look beyond Christmas and wait for our Lord’s coming again to raise us to life, body and soul, and the Church prays, “O Wisdom . . . Come!”
This month, we’re shattering Christmas myths!
As we await the advent of Christ, we need the same consolations for our times
The O Antiphons can continue to teach, enlighten and comfort the Church today.
This month, as with each November, you’ll see a smattering of numbers and statistics regarding the people and work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
If the future of the Church depends upon us, then we are sunk.
In the October issue, we’re focusing on all things Reformation!
Wherever the Gospel and Sacraments are—enough to bring people to true faith in the true Jesus—there is the Church.
In the September issue, we learn from women who have gone before us in the faith.
So it is with marriage. You won’t get very far trying to travel alone in a relationship, talking to yourself, or at someone else.