The Magazine

The Blessing of Children

Every child is a blessing, even if that blessing is an opportunity for parents to learn self-sacrifice — and even if that blessing is, in the eyes of the world, one too many.

Hermann Sasse on Truth

This timeless piece, written during the rise of the Hitler regime in 1936, has much for us to ponder in our day and about ourselves.

Lutheran Witness: November 2023

The November 2023 of The Lutheran Witness takes up Carl Trueman’s ‘Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self,’ asking the age-old question: “What is truth?”  

Ground of All Truth

“What is truth?” Jesus is Truth, and so Jesus stands at the heart of this (and every) issue of The Lutheran Witness.

God Creates, the Devil Destroys

The umbilical cord offers an image of what fundamentally makes for a good life: not autonomy and self-expression but dependence and interdependence on others.

Divine Authority

The matter of the inerrancy of Holy Scripture is a matter of faith, not sight.

Difficult Teachings of Scripture

We take these topics up because they are difficult teachings of Scripture, teachings that perhaps Christians feel a bit ashamed about or find difficult to understand.

A Compelling Truth

We are not just trying to win a debate or turn the tide of the culture in our favor. We are saying to the world, “We have something good and true and beautiful.”

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