The Magazine

Faith like a child

I really like Portals of Prayer. It comforts me when I’m sad or mad. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Morgan Irvine, age 9 Sheridan, Wyo. (Although this letter compliments Concordia Publishing House’s Portals of Prayer, The Lutheran Witness’s close partnership with CPH, as well as the age and sentiment of the writer, made printing

Our Advent Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come

by Rev. Steven B. Borst Ilustration © Advent is possibly the most misunderstood season in the church year. Let’s face it: we tend to take our cues on how to prepare for Christmas more from Macy’s than from the manger. Could it be that the Church has largely forgotten the purpose of Advent? Most

Jesus—the example to follow

In Scripture, we read what Jesus said to His disciples when they had argued among themselves about their importance. “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:27–28).

MERCY: Regarded by God . . . and Others

In this month’s letter, President Harrison continues his series of three articles on the “Witness, Mercy, Life Together” emphasis for the Church and the world. To find out more about these themes, check out:

All Those Translations!

by Dr. Jeffrey A. Gibbs The question is raised by all kinds of people: seminary students, devout church members, confirmation students, and perhaps every single Christian at one time or another. And the question is, “What is the best translation of the Bible?” We have, after all, the KJV, NKJV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, NIVI, JB,

Witness: Before God and to the World

In this month’s letter, President Harrison begins a series of three articles on the “Witness, Mercy, Life Together” emphasis for the Church and the world. To find out more about these themes, check out:

10 Minutes with…Matt Harrison

by James H. Heine Rev. Matthew C. Harrison was installed as the 13th president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Sept. 11. Several days before his installation, The Lutheran Witness sat down with President Harrison for a conversation about the LCMS, his new responsibilities, his family, and himself. ~~~ TLW: We suspect the past few weeks

Hope in Jackpot

by Adriane Dorr Rev. Gary Benedix recently retired from full-time ministry . . . but not really. “I have been a pastor and missionary for 42 years; the last 30 of those years were at Peace Lutheran Church in Filer, Idaho,” he states. Although he retired as Peace’s pastor in June, he continued to serve

Dancing on the Devil’s Grave

by Rev. William M. Cwirla Halloween has become a major commercial holiday in this country, second in potential profit making only to the Christmas season. The average American family now spends well over $100 each year in tricks, treats, and scary decorations. What do we Christians do with Halloween? Is it innocent fun or something

The View from Here: Being “Little” Means a Lot

by Dr. Lane R. Seitz This past Sunday I worshiped in one of the smaller congregations in our district. There were approximately 50 people in wor-ship. We have approximately 40 congregations in our district that average less than 50 people in worship each week. In most of those situations, the congregation is served by a

What Makes America American?

PBS has chronicled the American experience in war, peace, depression, and prosperity. Now religion. Dr. Rast previews “God in America.”

Hitting the Million Mark

Hope Lutheran Church in Jackpot, Nev., has indeed hit the jackpot. Find out how Rev. Gary Benedix purchased the one millionth copy of Lutheran Service Book.

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