The Magazine

It’s Mission Month

Looking for ways to celebrate the Reformation and Mission Month? LCMS World Mission and English District President David Stechholz offer a variety of ways.

Not Our Will, but Thine

My mother, Louise Cady, was a hard-working farm wife and mother of five. She never claimed to be a noted scholar, a talented musician, or a great educational leader. But she loved God…

How to Write a Letter to the Editor

The Lutheran Witness receives a steady supply of letters from our readers. Although we can’t answer every letter personally, we read every one and appreciate receiving them. Each month, we normally have space to publish only four or five letters, so the competition is tough. Still, letters from readers add vitality to a magazine, and

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Two phrases in the August Lutheran Witness report on the recent LCMS convention impressed me. One was by President–elect Rev. Matthew Harrison who used the phrase “guided by the Spirit of God.” The other was in the final sentence of the convention by President Gerald Kieschnick: “May our almighty God lead this church by the

Pray continually

In a 24-7 news cycle, one can easily suffer from a fatigue of constant communication and stories on floods, disasters, dying, and various other torments . . . including frenzied fear. The story of this “Light on a Hill” on the part of Pastor Tursic and the shining light of hope in hopelessness can be

Baptism: Dunking, Sprinkling, or Pouring?

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz I once witnessed a Lutheran pastor baptizing a person by immersion. I didn’t know we Lutherans baptized that way. Is this a proper way to baptize? Lutherans have understood the Bible to teach that a valid Baptism must include the application of water (together with the Word), but the manner in

A Modern Reformation

by Rev. Steven B. Borst In the year 1517, on the evening before All Saints, the Castle Church in Wittenberg was prepared for the festival services to be held the next day. Inside the church, 19,000 relics were laid out to be adored by the arriving throng of worshipers. Outside the church doors, however, a

Lutheran Witness: October 2010

Allow this penitential season to add to the approach of Christmas. Wait with us in eager anticipation of the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior.

Beginning with Repentance

The greatest eras in the history of the Church have all begun with repentance. Those times when the Gospel of free forgiveness by faith in Jesus Christ has shone brightest in missionary witness and expansion—in a burning desire to care for the weak and needy with Christ’s own mercy, and in zealous and creative endeavors in church life and organization—have all begun with the preaching of repentance.

The Message of Confirmation

by Rev. Tim Pauls Ah, confirmation–a defining mark of Lutheran congregations. It’s supposed to be a good thing, the pastor preparing youth for communicant membership. Too often, though, it’s seen only as a necessary rite of passage to endure rather than a blessing to enjoy. For some reason, teenagers just don’t seem to enjoy memorizing

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